complete and utter bastards

2944 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 12 April - I view broker Finncap as complete & utter bastards

This concerns Premaitha (NIPT) where I feel misled and explain why I regard brokers Finncap as complete and utter bastards. Premaitha shares are a buy but it should sack Finncap now. I then move onto Gulf Keystone (GKP), Bacanora (BCN), Rare Earth Minerals (REM) and the pig Lenigas, Mariana Resources (MARL), Goldstone Resources (GRL) and Falkland Island Holdings (FKL) a company that has never recovered from being tipped by another complete and utter bastard, the uber-talentless Richard "Gollum" Gill. I am in a bad mood today and this podcast contains lots of bad langauge.
